Murder Ahoy (1964) Poster


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"All in all fantastic light hearted fun."
jamesraeburn200312 February 2006
Miss Marple joins the board of senior trustees for a youth reformation committee, which prides itself on reforming troublesome teenagers by means of naval cadet training on board a ship called The Battledore. But when one of her fellow trustees is murdered by his snuff being laced with poison, Miss Marple learns that he had just returned from a routine visit to The Battledore and she suspects that the motive for his murder must lie on the ship. Using her position as senior trustee, Miss Marple pays a visit to the ship much to the chagrin of the eccentric Captain Rhumstone (Lionel Jeffries) who seems anxious to get rid of her. With the help of her loyal friend Mr Stringer (Stringer Davis), she soon learns that the shore leave patrol has been committing a series of jewel thefts from the high society. But the question is which one? Meanwhile, Lieutenant Compton (Francis Matthews) has been run through with a sword and hung from the ship's yardarm and suspicion immediately falls on Sub Lieutenant Humbert (Derek Nimmo) whom didn't get along with Compton because they both fancied the same girl, Nurse Shirley (Norma Foster). As usual, Chief Inspector Craddock (Charles Tingwell) thinks he's got an open and shut case, but Miss Marple isn't convinced of Humbert's guilt even though the jewel robberies were all committed after high society parties, all of which he and Shirley had both attended. In her usual shrewd way, Miss Marple sets a trap for the killer and uncovers a big swindle attached to the higher ranks among the committee but not before Shirley is murdered by a poisoned spike primed to a mousetrap...

Murder Ahoy was the fourth and final entry in the series of comedy whodunits starring Rutherford as Miss Marple. The series was doing well at the box office, but the producers were unable to get the rights to any more of Christie's works. In addition, this is the only one that wasn't adapted from a Christie novel and the film was produced in 1964, but released at the end of 1965 in order to space out the series. Following the end of the Miss Marple franchise, director Pollock would make one more feature before he more or less vanished from the scene. Another Christie, Ten Little Indians (see my review), for Fu Manchu producer Harry Alan Towers.

All in all, Murder Ahoy is fantastic light hearted fun with Rutherford on fine form as usual as the spinster detective. She gets good support from Lionel Jeffries as the Captain and Stringer Davis offers his touching portrayal as the local librarian Mr Stringer who is Miss Marple's closest friend and is always concerned that her meddling may result in her getting bumped off, but its never any use as she is determined to unravel the mystery and she does in her own inimitable fashion. Moments to savour here include her sword fight with the killer at the climax when she assures her assailant "I must warn you that in 1931 I was the winner of the ladies fencing championship." Screenwriters David Pursall and Jack Seddon came up with quite a good storyline of their own and the identity of the killer is well concealed until the end, but I felt that the script could of been a little tighter. Nevertheless, its all good fun and Rutherford has no trouble in dominating the film with her uniquely individual performance as Miss Marple, George Pollock's direction is smooth and the atmospheric black and white camera-work of Desmond Dickinson is an added bonus.
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A cocktail of clean humour and mystery
JuguAbraham22 February 2002
I have enjoyed watching all the Miss Marple/Margaret Rutherford movies for they provide light entertainment. This one in particular was worth your time because of a great performance by Lionel Jeffries as the captain of the ship. Jeffries, Rutherford, and Ron Goodwin's marvelous music make the film a treat to watch. Of course, the direction lacks punch if we judge it 40 years after it was made.

The Rutherford/Stringer relationship (that was not Agatha Christie's) on and off screen adds additional trivia interest. I note that Stringer died soon after the death of Dame Rutherford.
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A life on the ocean waves...NOT!
derek william hall21 November 2001
This was the fourth and final offering in the Rutherford/Marple quartet of old English masterpieces. As good as it was though - and it did not let us down as yet another reminder of how quaint some parts of a middle class England of yesteryear were - this was, perhaps, the least riveting of the great Dame's portrayal of the delightful Miss Marple.

For those who are interested in locations, the centrepiece of the tale, H.M.S.Battledore, was anchored in the bay betwixt Falmouth and St.Mawes (in cushty Cornwall) with the latter named small town providing the backdrop for the thefts of the scallywags who were supposed to be being reformed as part of a trust initiative to aid young men who had been led astray. From the outset of the plot, a 'snuff' murder way ahead of its time, we were kept on our toes as Miss Marple (as ever, ably assisted by her elderly beau, Mr.Stringer) weaved her way through the suspects aboard that fabulous old ship which looks as if it has just been vacated by Drake or Nelson. Nevertheless, the contemporary Captain, played to perfection (by Lionel Jeffries) with a mixture of 'old sea salt' zest and a zany personality unmatched by the rest of the crew, almost upstages the film's star with his demeanour ranging from the seeming son of Blackbeard through to a sort of Peter Pan who has lived all his dreams and desires of great seamanship within a perpetual stone's throw of land.

The sword fight at the end may ahve been a bit naff - but it didn't matter, we knew who would win as Jane was bound to have been a fencing champion of some sort in her merry old past. But what was surprsing was that this proved to be the last of a proven fromula that ought to have been repeated many times over.

A thoroughly good yarn - best watched with a flaggon of cider to keep one's whistle wet!
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Delightfully old-fashioned.
dbdumonteil20 August 2004
When I saw the movie for the first time some 25 years ago I did not like it.Today I find it quite entertaining and I have much fun to watch it.Hindsight displays its charm.First of all,this is the kind of movie they do not do (and won't do) anymore.George Pollock,the par excellence Agatha Christie director -he directed three other Miss Marple films and the second version of "and then there were none" aka" ten little Indians" - is no genius but his movie has its fair share of humor,even black humor (the doctor does not seem to take the deaths seriously,always making sure a child be born to carry on,so to speak).This is an original screenplay ,not adapted from a Christie's book and that accounts for the rather weak detective plot.But interest lies elsewhere:Margaret Rutherford's mischievous old lady detective is allowed things Mrs Christie would not have thought of : spending a night in jail and fighting a duel (sabers) with the culprit!
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The last in the series and the weakest...
wisewebwoman22 November 2004
Apparently Agatha Christie totally removed herself from any association after the third in the series of these Margaret Rutherford vehicles. So this is not even adapted from any of Agatha Christie's novels and it shows.

Margaret, as usual, has a great time and her sidekick Stringer Davis (real-life husband) appears a little stronger in his role.

However, the plot creaks along and none of it makes much sense but Margaret in her buttoned suit and tricorn hat is not to be missed. Lionel Jeffries hams it up as the frustrated captain who views Margaret as his own personal albatross and there are some whopping discrepancies, - i.e. a lover's young sweetheart is murdered and he displays not a whit of grief - but all in all it is the same huge fun as before, though more weakly plotted. I gave it a 6 but it is more of a 6-1/2.

Margaret fencing is not to be missed and it is such a shame that not more of these were not made. This was sadly the fourth and last in the series. Incidentally Margaret kept her impoverished studio afloat financially with them.
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The weakest of the four but definitely still worth watching
TheLittleSongbird22 February 2013
Ever since I was 11 I've loved Agatha Christie and Miss Marple. And while they are not perhaps films that die-hard traditionalists of Christie's work the four George Pollock-Margaret Rutherford Miss Marple films are entertaining enough still. Murder Ahoy is the fourth and last of the series, and for me it is also the weakest. The main problem is the story, which is rather contrived and confusing at points(Christie's lack of involvement and that it wasn't based on any of her work- even with a couple of moments where there are echoes of it- was all too evident here. While the sword-fighting scene is tacky and just felt silly compared to everything else going in the film and while there are some witty and funny moments the script does sketch over the characters too much so we never get to know anybody. However, the setting, locations and period detail are great, and the black and white photography is crisp. Pollock's direction is smooth, the film goes by at a good- if not as zippy as the other three- pace and there are some decent clues and solving of them. But the strongest points are the music and the cast. The music is deliciously catchy, just love the opening theme. Margaret Rutherford steals the film and is simply terrific(if somewhat unconventional) as Miss Marple, her in the naval uniform alone is guaranteed the viewing, while Lionel Jeffries seems to be having great fun as the Captain. Overall, not great but definitely worth watching. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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The Last Movie in the Warner Box
claudio_carvalho22 June 2013
Miss Marple (Margaret Rutherford) is summoned to join a meeting of trustees of a fund of rehabilitation of criminals. One of the trustees has just visited the training ship "Battledore" and wants to report his findings; however, when he inhales snuff, he has a heart attack and dies. Miss Marple notes that the snuff box is empty, but she collects a spilled sample and after a chemical analysis, she finds that the trustee was poisoned.

Miss Marple goes to the Battledore to investigate and has a cold reception of Captain Sydney De Courcy Rhumstone (Lionel Jeffries). Soon she discovers that there are many thieves on board and a great embezzlement of the rehabilitation fund, in the middle of a series of murders.

"Murder Ahoy" is the last movie in the Warner box of DVDs and maybe it is the weakest adventure of the snoopy Miss Marple. However, the old lady fencing against the criminal makes the movie worth. The board of trustees telling that it is important the renewal with a younger member is hilarious. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Assassinato a Bordo" ("Murder on Board")
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All Aboard!
BaronBl00d9 February 2000
The third and arguably best film from the Miss Marple films of the 6o's. This time out Miss Marple must solve a mysterious death concerning a trustee and a snuff box, which eventually lands her on board a ship as an observing trustee. Once aboard, Miss Marple and her presence seemingly invite murder after murder. Margaret Rutherford furls her sails and lends the film her gargantuan aplomb. She is a battleship on screen. The cast also includes Stringer Davis(real-life husband) and Charles Tingwell(Inspector Craddock) reprising earlier roles. Lionel Jeffries is the ship's captain and he is simply marvelous as he bemoans Marple's presence and even calling her "a Jonah and an ill wind blowing." Definitely a treat and comic tour-de-force for Rutherford, who we get to see fence no less, and Jeffries.
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Probably the weakest of the four, but still fun to watch
gridoon202431 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If the filmmakers of the Marple series with Margaret Rutherford made the rather audacious decision of basing two of their stories on Hercule Poirot books, in "Murder Ahoy" they went one step further by making up a whole new story with Miss Marple! It's actually a pretty solid mystery, but although it has the "Christie formula", it lacks the "Christie touch". The characters of the suspects (apart from the mostly comic-relief captain of the ship where most of the action takes place on) are not distinct enough to make you care "whodunit" as much as you should (though there is one great red herring near the end). Nevertheless, Rutherford is still great fun to watch as Miss Marple, with some memorable lines ("Softly softly catchee monkey!"), and she looks smashing in her naval uniform. This film also has the most outrageous climax of the series, with Marple engaging in an extended swordfight!! **1/2 out of 4.
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She was always HERSELF...
marcin_kukuczka31 May 2012
A crucial moment for the trustees' meeting at the Cape of Good Hope Youth Reclamation Centre. The well tailored niece of late Sir Hubert Marple, modest about the 'achievement of her illustrious family,' is indeed touched by the warmth of their welcome. On the minds of all the participants is the significant ship Battledore, the place which 'provides a safe haven for those who are in peril on the sea of life,' aimed at socializing young hooligans. The bishop's pompous speech seems to break any word and time limit and yet...fellow Cecil Ffolly Hardwicke, having visited the Battledore, insists on speaking up. Indeed, something urgent occupies his mind, something of utmost importance. However, just before he seems to be allowed to pass on whatever is on his mind, he unexpectedly passes away. The shock is the feeling of every witness of this tragic death; yet, suspicion fills the mind of only one person – the distinguished niece, Miss Marple (Margaret Rutherford), who is, in no way, temporarily 'unhinged' but proves to be always...HERSELF.

Miss Marple discovers that dead Hardwicke's snuff (its considerable amount) has been stolen just while he was being taken away and she draws some breathtaking conclusion while experimenting on its little amount that has remained. The powerful sleuth 'damns the torpedoes' with 'full speed ahead' to pursue the investigation on board a ship. With a delightful and insightful view on the ship where all are anxious to get rid of this unwelcome 'Neptune's mother,' it soon occurs that, indeed, there is something going on aboard the Battledore, something far more than hanky-panky between the sexes...

The fourth film with Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple is not based on any of Agatha Christie's novels but is entirely based on the interpretation of Miss Jane Marple by David Pursall and Jack Seddon. That is one of the reasons why MURDER AHOY has met lots of critical views. Some critics perceive it as 'somewhat heavy combination of homicide and hanky-panky' while others see it as a considerably cheap entertainment. Unfortunately, many of the critical views are quite unfair to the movie which, in my opinion, contributes to the whole series of the films and also has plenty offer.

It is, naturally, MARGARET RUTHERFORD who makes even the less clever lines executed unforgettably. She 'creeps about' to uncover what is unavailable for others. She beautifully blends detective features with comedy undertones and does it powerfully in all scenes: her gestures, her moves, her splendid way of executing her lines. The climactic manifestation of skills on the screen occurs to be the scene when she is fencing with the villain. Nevertheless, there are many more scenes worth attention, including her experiment with the snuff, her entrance on board a ship, the library scene as well as the encounters with chief Inspector Craddock (Charles Tingwell) and Mr Jim Stringer (Stringer Davis, her real life husband). Like in the preceding films, there are similar touches and cutting remarks between Miss Marple, a real sleuth, and the policeman convinced solely by proved fact. This time, Mr Stringer does not give Miss Marple 'a leg up' but propels her in the library where a significant book is being discovered.

The whole naval atmosphere is provided funnily on board the Battledore, particularly by Lionel Jeffries who portrays an amusing, 'outmaneuvered' captain, a bigoted patriot who owns a blade allegedly granted to his great grandfather by Admiral Nelson himself. He indeed cannot ignore the death of Nelson but what about his attitude towards more recent deaths around him? Yes, some wit may appear old fashioned or artificial in certain context but the hilarious scene of broken bottle which he considers a 'diabolical waste' and the finale when, at last, a woman will be at the helm of the ship, constitute the best moments of humor handled by Lionel Jeffries. William Mervyn as Connington, Joan Benham as funny Matron Alice Fanbraid, Norma Foster as delicious Shirley and Miles Malleson as eloquent bishop give adequate performances.

Thanks to the direction of George Pollock, the cinematography by Desmond Dickinson and music score by Ron Goodwin, the film is supplied with similar charm as all the other preceding parts, MURDER SHE SAID, MURDER AT THE GALLOP, and MURDER MOST FOUL. There are nice little touches of images, the additional hints of symbols and the haunting visuals about interior shadows that aid the doom-filled atmosphere of the movie. Of course, much of what happens to Miss Marple is predictable but it is in no way boring but effectively entertaining.

MURDER AHOY brings the curtain down on the unforgettable portrayal of Agatha Christie's Jane Marple that Dame Rutherford created. Still, however, after all these years, we can admire her talent and say frankly 40 years after her death: "What an old darling she was!"
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Decent murder mystery
grantss21 May 2015
Decent murder mystery, based on the Agatha Christie novel "Miss Marple".

Good set up, interesting setting, intriguing plot development, thrilling finale. Murderer is a bit obvious from a point but the revelation comes fairly late in the movie, so doesn't spoil it much.

Very funny at times too, though, unlike Murder Most Foul, here the humour is overdone and often feels out of place. The portrayal of the ship's captain as dithering, babbling idiot was uncalled for, and introduced far too much slapstick into what should have been a reasonably serious movie.

Margaret Rutherford is great, as always, in her role as Miss Marple. Good support from the usual crew of Stringer Davis, as Mr Stringer, and Charles Tingwell, as Chief Inspector Craddock.
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Neptune's Mother (Marple) battles her way to unmasking a killer.
Sleepin_Dragon8 October 2015
Miss Marple is made trustee of The Battledore, a training ship for youngsters. During her first meeting fellow trustee Cecil Folly Hardwick is killed with poisoned snuff. Miss Marple smells a rat and contrives a way to spend time on board to Battledore, to find out what Folly had uncovered there.

The humour is here by the bucket load, Rutherford as always is a pure joy to watch, and this time she's met her match, Lionel Jeffries is utterly brilliant to watch, he's so much fun. I think Derek Nimmo being called 'Muscles,' is one of the funniest bits.

The pièce de résistance has to be the sword fighting scene, can anyone in their wildest dreams picture Joan, Julia or even Geraldine wielding a sword, watching a now 72 year old Rutherford fighting with a sword is worth the watch alone.

The final instalment of Margaret Rutherford's Miss Marple films is total entertainment, fun and proper escapism. True that any links with Agatha Christie have now completely gone, but it seems not to matter, as the story is there just there for fun. I've read that more were planned but never happened, what a shame. As far away from Agatha Christie as is possibly imaginable, but great fun nonetheless.

Great entertainment, real family fun (if the kids are a bit quirky that is, like I used to be and enjoy this kind of yarn.) 9/10.
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A certain charm.
g-hbe20 August 2006
To many of my generation (now in their fifties), Margaret Rutherford takes some beating as Miss Marple - in fact she *is* Miss Marple, and Joan Hickson etc are merely fakes. These four films (She Said, Most Foul, At The Gallop and Ahoy) may not be accurate representations of the original stories, but they do invite repeated viewing and have what modern films lack - charm. They also have good solid characters and a light-hearted approach that makes them so watchable. Margaret Rutherford may not have had a terrific range, but what she did, she did with enormous confidence and style, and she is never overshadowed in any scene she plays, which is virtually every one. All great fun from the moment that catchy theme tune plays (you'll be humming it for weeks afterwards) to the final credits, and you are left feeling satisfied. That's what they did in the 50's and 60's.
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Somebody Gets Snuffed Out
bkoganbing5 December 2009
In this last film in which Margaret Rutherford plays Ms. Jane Marple, the redoubtable old sleuth finds herself elected trustee of a restored sailing ship of the line which is now used as a training vessel for young criminal offenders. Kind of a British version of an American boot camp for the wayward youth.

When one of the trustees dies of a heart attack while at a board meeting while trying to tell in a most dramatic fashion that something is afoul at the ship, Rutherford finds the cause of his death. His snuff box had been laced with strychnine. Does she go to the police with such information, she does not. In this case given the forensic science lab that Scotland Yard has which I daresay is superior even to her own, Inspector Charles Tingwell might have solved the crime on his own. No wonder this man wants to strangle her, she is withholding evidence in point of fact.

That bit of business puts Murder Ahoy a bit over the line. It's a maxim in detective fiction that the private eye no matter how much the amateur always shows up the professional. But there are limits as to how far you can take it and I think Agatha Christie stepped over the line in this Marple story.

But if she hadn't we wouldn't have had the pleasure of seeing Margaret Rutherford in full Navy regalia taking over the HMS Battledore and giving Captain Lionel Jeffries and his crew fits. Two murders later of ship's officers and we do find the real culprit.

What was interesting about Murder Ahoy is that there are two separate criminal enterprises going on at the same time on the good ship Battledore. The first murder sets off a chain of events among the villains in which the group involved in one enterprise comes across the second conspiracy and the motives do get tangled up for the police. But of course not for Margaret Rutherford.

Fittingly the whole thing is resolved on Trafalgar Day. It was quite a scheme that the murderer's fear of discovery caused the individual to become so homicidal.

Margaret Rutherford is of course wonderful as Ms. Marple and she and Lionel Jeffries have some great scenes. Years ago I could have seen the master of the slow burn, Edgar Kennedy playing the part as Jeffries plays it.

I don't think it's as good as some Christie stories, but her fans shouldn't mind at all.
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not the third!
todmichel30 April 2002
Just a little rectification: if the order of releases in Great-Britain is correct, this film is the fourth, not the third, in the series. The British releases were as follow: Murder, She Said - August, 1961 Murder at the Gallop - April, 1963 Murder Most Foul - February, 1964 Murder Ahoy - July, 1964
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masonfisk20 February 2022
The last of the cinematic Miss Marple mysteries from 1964 starring Margaret Rutherford. A distant relative of Miss Marple was a Navy man & on the eve of his naval society bestowing him w/an honor, the trustees get together where one of them is poisoned (his snuff box was laced w/strychnine). She decides to conduct an investigation on the boat where the trustees govern from enlisting the help of her right hand man, Mr. Stringer (played by Rutherford's real life husband Stringer Davis), who she has stationed at an inn w/a view of the boat & the disapproving knowledge from Chief Inspector Braddock, played again by Bud Tingwell. Of course no sooner does Rutherford stay overnight on the ship (something the entire senior staff nix) the bodies start to drop w/a final swordfight between Rutherford & the murderous culprit shown to amusing effect. Inspired by Agatha Christie's Marple works than based outright on one of her short stories, this final entry is a crowd pleaser w/Rutherford (again directed by series helmer, George Pollock) the right mixture of ornery optimism who can cajole just about anyone to do her bidding.
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Feathery mystery inspired, if not loved, by Dame Christie
jamesrupert20148 August 2021
A poisoning at a Board of Trustees meeting puts Miss Marple on the trail of a gang of criminals operating out of a 'rehabilitation' ship and as the inquisitive sleuth snoops around, the bodies pile up. This light-weight mystery is Margaret Rutherford's last outing as Agatha Christie's amateur detective. I am not overly familiar with Christie's character but I gather that Rutherford's interpretation was not to the famed author's liking. The story is played more for laughs than thought (most notably Lionel Jeffries silly ship's captain character) and while entertaining enough to pass 90 minutes, is neither memorable nor re-watchable. As was the case with 'Murder Most Foul' (Rutherford's previous outing as Marple), I disliked most of Ron Goodwin's score (especially the harpsicord). Rutherford is a one-of-a-kind character actress and, while 'Murder Ahoy' is not as good as its predecessor, it is good enough to prompt me to watch the first two in the series when they show up on TCM.
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Weakest of the series
malcolmgsw26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It really felt as if the writers had run out of ideas.The story doesn't make a great deal of sense.The actors are of a lower level.Lionel Jefferies overacts throughout the film.The climactic swordfight is little short of ludicrous.Margaret Rutherford is just able to keep this watchable.It is not surprising that this was the end of the series
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Margaret Rutherford on the High Seas
Pudditat11 January 2001
I always enjoy a chance to see any of the four Murder mysteries Margaret Rutherford made during the 1960's as Agatha Christie's Miss. Marple. While she doesn't fit the traditional description, she is a hoot to watch! I think these are all great fun, and she is just a classic!
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Miss Marple At Sea.
AaronCapenBanner17 November 2013
George Pollock once again returned to direct Margaret Rutherford as Miss Jane Marple, Stringer Davis as Mr. Stringer, and Charles Tingwell as Inspector Craddock, in this original story not directly based on an Agatha Christie novel. Here, Miss Marple investigates the death of a fellow trustee member that leads to Maritime murder, and uses her trustee status to go on board a naval ship to investigate the murder, and reports that one of the officers is operating a crime ring from it, which of course leads to more murders... A bit of a step down from the first two pictures, being not as atmospheric, and a bit too much comedy, but still has a fine British cast to make it seaworthy.
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The best miss marple ever
kimmishy520 October 2019
I have watched the miss marple with Margaret Rutherford so many times and it never gets old for me
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Among My Favorite Film Series
film_poster_fan17 April 2022
The Miss Marple films starring Margaret Rutherford are always a joy to watch and I have done so many times. The derogatory comments by some reviewers over the course of the series in regards to Dame Rutherford's appearance is appalling. She was in her early seventies when she made the series and died in 1972 after suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Another reviewer calls the police constable who appeared in the third film "stupid" and the "chied" (sic) inspector in the final film "insane," which he was not.
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Snuffed Out
ygwerin121 August 2021
I am just rewatching this film from my Miss Marple DVD box set, for what must be the umpteenth time.

What stands out for me here is the full glory that is Margaret Rutherford, an absolute favourite film actress of mine.

With her giving a wondrous rendition of Rule Britannia, really priceless and not to be missed.

Her Miss Marple is to quote words from a different film, always the "Modern woman. She has been a golfer, expert horse women, pot shot, and in this film a champion fencer.

Reading the Trivia for the movie here on IMDb, I see that Margaret Rutherford actually learnt fencing to make the film.

Now that is what I call dedication to the role, my hat off to you Margaret Rutherford.

I absolutely love Margaret Rutherford as an actress, I always enjoy seeing her in any movie she has appeared in.

For me its an abiding shame that only four Miss Marple films, were ever made with Margaret Rutherford as the eponymous sleuth.

I don't tend to rate them under any terms whether by, general appeal or entertainment value. And certainly not by detective story credibility, or ever by adherence to any original storyline.

As much as I always enjoy Miss Marple incarnations whether on film or TV, I am yet to actually read any of the novels.

I have nothing against Agatha Christie as an authoress, I can't properly judge either her writing or stories. As I have never actually read any of them, not even a Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot.

This is not for any particular reason simply that I have never, actually got around to bothering with it.

I have instead preferred to watch, the various pictorial representations of the novels.

I love these movies as an entire cinematic treat, with all of the eccentric characters, great British actors, Margaret Rutherford is the rich icing on the cake.

I don't get hung up about plot or even storyline, these are simply basic and enough to bring the film together.

For anyone of any generation after the films were made, they will all doubtless appear as merely quaint anachronisms.

Simply being dismissed as footnotes in British film history, but for me they will always be classic films in my life.
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Murder Ahoy
CinemaSerf1 June 2024
In my view, this is the weaker of the four "Miss Marple" films made by George Pollock for MGM. Margaret Rutherford is flawless as the trustee of a charity charged with the rehabilitation of young offenders and Lionel Jeffries provides the laughs as the Captain of "HMS Battledore" - the sailing sloop that is used to convert these youngsters from their recalcitrant ways. As one of her fellow trustees suddenly - and literally - snuffs it, "Miss Marple" suspects foul play and with the help of a home chemistry set (and, "Mr. Stringer", of course) deduces that he was ingeniously poisoned! She sets off to the seaside visit the ship and get to the bottom of it all, to the chagrin of virtually everyone concerned. All great japery-by-the-sea and we even get a bit of swordplay.
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Weak script lacks the Agatha Christie of the lesser Margaret Rutherford films...
Doylenf11 May 2011
There's not much to say about MURDER AHOY except that it should be avoided by fans of Agatha Christie murder mysteries. First of all, it's not even based on any of her stories but an "original" screenplay that has Miss Marple solving a couple of murders aboard a merchant marine training vessel.

None of it is distinguished by any sort of wit, the comedy is forced, and the performances are merely average--even by Margaret Rutherford, Stringer Davis (Rutherford's real life husband) and Charles Tingwell (as Inspector Haddock).

Lionel Jeffries gets to ham it up throughout as the rather obnoxious captain of the training vessel and the plot is too rambling to gather much interest. The solution is as improbable as any of Christie's better mysteries but getting there is dull indeed.

My least favorite of all the Margaret Rutherford Marple mysteries.
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