Wed, Sep 27, 1961
Jim interrupts Ted's pleasant day eyeing pretty girls (and being ogled in return) with the news they've been hired to deliver valuable supplies and equipment to a team prospecting deep in Mexico's Sierra Madre Mountains. At a trading post, Ted prevents another prospector from taking a valuable instrument crucial to the success of his clients, with near tragic results.
Chuck Lambert, Ripcord's pilot, is in serious trouble when his plane crashes and the man he was flying is killed. Drugs were found in Chuck's possession, yet he insists the drugs were his passenger's who also caused the crash, but unless Jim and Ted can help, the dead man's brother will see Chuck grounded and prosecuted.
Speed Domaine, an old soldier Ted and Jim know from the army, wants his son Billy to learn sky-diving to prove he's a man, in spite of Billy's resistance to the idea. But when they jump into a canyon the army uses for target practice and Speed breaks his leg, Billy, wins new respect from his father by saving the old man's life, with the help of Ripcord.
Ted McKeever can't understand why pretty Dana Oliver demands his company prove they can drop a crate of eggs by parachute without cracking a shell. When Ted's team demonstrates its capabilities, she reveals the reason for her strange request - she wants Ted, Jim and Chuck to airdrop a top-secret and extremely fragile missile instrument to ransom her father who is being held prisoner in the mountains by technology-savvy kidnappers.