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Cash grab with no real point.
16 April 2024
I like Amy Windhouse, not her music particularly but I liked her as a whole, the fact is she died a fair while ago and there's already been a movie and atleast 3 tv documentaries that have covered all of this with far more detail and context, I'm unsure who wanted this, maybe Blake as there seemed a real effort to portray him as the victim. Also the dad wasn't squeaky clean like portrayed here.

It's very peculiar, it focuses on the cheap stuff from heat magazine, doesn't dive deep, show hard moments or any scenes of any real emotion considering the subject matter. It's not bad but for a cinema ticket it is theft, just turn YouTube on and read Wikipedia.

The resemblance was pretty good, there were a lot of moments that could only have been recalled by Blake which seems a questionable direction to go. The obvious scene your 100% sure you'll see and think it'll break you, they chickened out of and used text. Poor.

She had issues, she was immature, she struggled with personality disorder, didn't grieve, was desperate to feel love, materialistic things meant nothing and she couldn't live without the toxic relationship slowly killing her, whether he's innocent or not, meeting him wasn't a good thing at all.

Her music is great, I do think it's massively overrated because of her passing, but she was no doubt talented and creative, I just wonder what help could've even saved her, or was the ending inevitable especially when nan went?

Not bad acting but felt way too long, chickened out of doing tough scenes/moments and rushed through important bits for shallow moments, lastly the UK press need to be made accountable for harassment and stalking, they should only be allowed to photograph people with their consent. It's time to stop these idiots contributing to any more death.

Do not pay to watch this, watch the stuff already freely available,
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