What a Disappointment
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I truly disliked this experience. Not as a whole but the live service aspect gave me such a sour taste for this game as to what it could have been that I'm forever going to be salty because of it as I once held the developer Rocksteady in such high regard. Now that they have been consumed by the dark side all we have left to do is roll with the punches in a hollow game that's filled with repetitive missions, combat and loot to an extent of insanity. The only thing holding this game somewhat together is the interesting story that adds some levity and depth to what's otherwise a very poorly constructed game. Even the controls are bonkers at times, asking you to hit a random combo of buttons to weaken certain enemy types or bosses that just feels manic and unnatural. But getting back to the only saving grace of this game for me. The story is pretty good for what it's worth and the team had kind of had a Guardians of the Galaxy like feel and humor surrounding the Suicide Squad. I did enjoy their banter and chemistry and felt that they achieved decent character development by the time the game's story wrapped. Braniac is an intriguing villain to boot and I thought was a good choice for this type of story and setting. However with that being said it's just a shame this is how the late, great Kevin Conroy had to be remembered as The Batman before he passed on. I'm sure this is not how he wanted his legacy of Batman to end, going out in such an underwhelming fashion. In fact this game and story is not considered canon to me in the Arkham-verse. Arkham Knight was his last great video game role as far as I'm concerned. This was Earth-2 Batman and friends in a sloppily crafted world. And speaking of world I did not think Metropolis could be so boring and dull even with the highly chaotic things transpiring. It just felt like all I was doing was going from point A to B and ignoring the silly side missions which were just copy/paste wash, rinse and repeat even with some of the familiar Riddler challenges scattered throughout which just felt tacked on with an all too familiar, been there done that with numerous repetitive riddles to undertake. And lastly but certainly not least, it is HIGHLY laughable that the devs think anyone in their right minds would continue this game after the credits roll and go on to defeat Braniac a total of 12 more times in this type of utterly tedious environment. Shame on you Rocksteady and even more shame on you WB Games. You have deeply failed this city.
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