Great Idea. Bad Execution.
23 March 2024
I gotta say, a lot of effort was put in to really make this look like a 70s talk show. Set design, costume, and even the look of the film all make it feel authentic.

I loved the character meant to represent James Randi and other historical references that were made.

The visual effects at the end were pretty cool. I'm usually not big on CGI but I thought it looked neat.

The problem is with the story set up. The film wants you to believe that "found behind the scenes footage" was included. Those scenes don't read as behind the scene. I can buy that cameras are on when you're "off" but this has a really high res (higher than the regular film scenes) camera following them. They never acknowledge the camera but it always gets their best angles and no one is mic'd but we can hear everything they're saying.

Not much really happens and the ending is nonsense. I also didn't love the way the film was introduced. A narrator explains the cultural landscape and the background of the main character. I wish we'd just been dropped in to the show.

I think this is a great idea for a horror movie but the script needs work. Some of it just seems so forced and then bam it's over.
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