Review of Cabrini

Cabrini (2024)
Angel Studios hits a sweet spot, not faith based film, but about faith nonetheless
8 March 2024
Angel Studios is doing something interesting here: they're making non-preachy value based films that are palatable by your average non-religious movie goer & yet they are using a "pay it forward" system of good doers to passionately promote it and literally pay for others to see it. What's more is this film, as well as Sound of Freedom, are extremely well made for the low budget independent movies they are. They're attracting top talent not because of religious guilt (like a Kirk Cameron Left Behind film might or religious dogma stuff God's Still Not Dead), no these actors are doing these roles because I think they see how strong of writing they have. David Morse, a vet actor, plays one of the best roles he's played in years & even a cameo style featured role of John Lithgow (the mayor) lets him seethe and breath slimy life into yet another wonderful villain role. Cristina Dell Anna in the title role is consistently strong & although it probably won't be treated with the same consideration for Oscar awards due to critics predisposition about the studio (supposedly run by Q'anon supporters I think the stories have said), her role and many roles in the film are no worse than Oscar bait roles are in similar movies like Little Women. The filmmaking, the same as Sound of Freedom Director & also the Cinematographer, is once again very beautiful and visually stunning. Even if a few critics are (I think unfairly) rallying against it, like it or not, it's well made inexpensive and efficient cinema... the exact mid-budget made-for-adult serious cinema that used to be the bread & butter of Hollywood. If the studios are unwilling to make it, I'm glad somebody is keeping up the tradition.

The film doesn't have a meta-self aware bone in its structure & that's refreshing. I'm creators race to reinvent the wheel of film theory, we forget these feel good tales until one comes along and reminds us how much we need a nice uplifting, not challenging society, story. The last film that had this kind of a feel, without religious guilt, was The Upside. I predict this might also do pretty well with the feel good crowd & their praise and money matters too!

I read one critic call it bland, but I disagree. I think it's the kind of film that unabashedly appeals to your emotions over intellect, which some today call manipulative, but if done for a non-dogma cause is just called filmmaking. If religious people used films like this more, uplifting & non preachy, non-cliched and about more reality than biblical theory, I think more from outside the flock would see their perspective. It's only when you're sitting in a movie (like I've seen a thousand times) where a cruel and uncaring god seems to be behind every misery in a very present way, when idiots like Kirk Cameron are acting "holier than thou" and spouting off hateful things supposedly in an effort to convert you that the average person rejects it. So often films have no pretense of entertainment and are really stupidly written only for those who are used to religious cliche & redundancy.

Here, by contrast, we have some intelligent writing, a worthwhile true story about somebody extremely interesting and good who led an inspiring life... that's how to bring 'em in. Maybe some might be inspired to go to church more or like me, while I won't be becoming any more religious, still enjoyed seeing a woman who had faith fight for something good and decent... without strings... just like both Angel Studio movies I've seen. Smart play. Well done. Like Sound if Freedom we have a movie about faithful people, but I would go so far as to say this isn't a "faith movie". Just like a movie may have a serial killer in it and not be a horror movie. I think they've found a good middle ground & i'd see a third movie.
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