The Passenger (III) (2023)
Character(s) Study in Motion...Maxed Extroversion/Introversion Collision
5 February 2024
Director Carter Smith Began as a Very Successful Fashion Photographer with Works Appearing in Prestigious Glossy Magazines. You Would Not Associate that Particular Proclivity High-Lighting Beauty with this Dark-Lighting Take on the Misanthropic World of Personality Deficits of the Leading Characters Here...Bradley & Benson.

Bradley is so Introverted and Withdrawn that He Never Told Anybody about His Erroneous Name Tag Displaying...BRADLEY...

Actually Bradley is His Last Name and RANDY His First Name...Some would Consider Him Spineless, Refusing to Correct the Error...

Others Might Say it is "Going With The Flow", a Zen Mantra of How to Flourish No Matter What Path-of-Life Confronts You.

Benson, Sees this and Other "Laid-Back" Behavior as Cowardliness and Not Willing to Stand-Up to the Bully-Boys who so Often Take Advantage of the Souls who Would Rather Flight From a Fight.

Asserting Ones-Self is a Virtue, and the Only Defense Against Life's Hard-Knocks says Benson, Bradley's Co-Worker at the Burger-Joint, where We Witness a Cringe-Inducing Display of Bradley Submission to a Domineering Power...

Benson Snaps, that's "All He Can Stand, He Can't Stands No More"...He Shot-Guns Everyone and Blood-Splattered the Walls Giving the Joint a Modern-Look so Familiar and what has Become and American News-Cycle of the "Spree-Killing" of the Week.

That's just the 1st-Act and Now We Join Bradley and Benson as a Road-Game of Discovery Plays-Out for the Remainder of this Horrific Character Study of Psychology as Professed by the Psycho with a Gun who Lectures Bradley on Taking Control of His Life.

OK Viewers...Sign-Up for this Class Now...Don't Wait, the Professor Might Not be Alive for Long.

But at Least the Remainder of this Extremely Well Acted, but Dull Class-Room of Mid-Western Emptiness is so Unattractive and Universally Unappealing as a Background One Wonders How Anyone Could Flourish in this Oppressive Environment, or Want to.

A Sophomoric, Fortune-Cookie-Movie Advice on How-to-Live by a Well-Known and Respected Author, You can Call Him...

"Psycho with a Gun".
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