The Brady Bunch: Two Petes in a Pod (1974)
Season 5, Episode 18
15 December 2023
10 STARS. I remember this classic episode when it first aired. It was hilarious then and still is, largely due to the talents of Christopher Knight. He plays this just right, and with all the outrageousness attached.

True, it's familiar stuff, done by other sitcoms, but it was just right for Peter, the kind of mess a Brady brother would get himself into. Enter Arthur, who looks exactly like Peter, except he wears glasses? Also, he's a really cool guy. Pete becomes fast friends with Arthur... and actually could use his help when Mike's boss' niece (Pamela) needs a Friday night date?

Turns out Peter has a date the same night ---so why not use his double?

Laugh out loud stuff. Chris Knight is so much fun to watch, and quite the mover and shaker. Bottom line, you have to see this one through, with all the neat twists. No question, one of the best directed episodes of the final season.

Special guest star in Denise Nickerson, playing a very patient Pamela through the insanity. Denise was a popular young actress, having appeared in WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY a few years earlier. Prior to this episode she actually auditioned for the lead in the EXORCIST, but lost out to Linda Blair.

Make no mistake the later scripts DID have their moments, especially this one, written by top writers. At times -- a teen version of LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE. That's very clever.

Recommended. SEASON 5 remastered color ABC/Paramout dvd box set.
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