Never thought a Godzilla movie would make me cry
2 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story is set amidst the physical and emotional wreckage of Japan at the end of WW2 and just after. This realism is blended very well with a fictitious monster. For Japan, the war was not over.

The unforgettable production utilizes some of the original Godzilla music. It is in Japanese with English subtitles.

The story is pro-human. Seeing how people cared for each other in the midst of disaster is what moved me to tears. No snarky or edgy dialog or lame jokes that ruin so many Hollywood scripts in my opinion. Come to think of it, I can't remember a single humorous moment in the movie, though there were moments of joy and comraderie.

It is a story about grass roots self-reliance and cooperation. Although some military men assist them, the Japanese realize that their government won't save them. Scientists and former military men come together, borrow some military equipment form a plan to defeat Godzilla.

It is also a story about cowardice, the crippling shame that comes with it, and how cowardice can actually buy time for one to build one's courage. Remember what they say about backing away from a fight and staying alive so you can live to fight another day.

I am not going to spoil it for you. Go see it.
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