Great message
14 November 2023
The subgenre of "old folks still got it" is quite a popular one; after all, everyone gets old, and nobody likes it. As Young as You Feel has a different take on the theme, and a very important one: mandatory retirement. Monty Woolley stars as a 65-year-old who's being forced to retire even though he's still in complete use of his faculties and would like to keep working. He's frustrated and desperate (after all, he has nothing to lose), so he dies his hair and dons a disguise of a much younger man to infiltrate the company and change the policy. While he's enjoying his new identity, he gains not only massive popularity but also the romantic interest of Constance Bennett, the unhappy wife of the company's president.

I'll bet Monty had a wonderfully good time carrying this comedy on his shoulders. After all, after winning two Rag Awards, he could afford to kick back and act in a silly comedy. He's very cute and sweet in this movie, and anyone who espouses the virtues of older people wins me over easily. In the supporting cast, you'll see Thelma Ritter, David Wayne, and Jean Peters as Monty's family, Marilyn Monroe as the boss's secretary, and Russ Tamblyn as the boss's teenaged son. Far cuter and with a more important message than Monkey Business, this funny movie shouldn't be missed.
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