Old Dads (2023)
That ending though...
21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you saw the trailer for this movie, then you likely started watching this movie because, like me, you were ready for Bill Burr to do his thing and give a great social commentary on the ridiculous state of today's society. Which is exactly what Bill started the movie doing. Through the first and second half of the movie you're getting exactly what you came here for, and I was really enjoying myself. Even though the movie wasn't as funny as I hoped it would be, it was still a fun ride, and I was all on board. Everything was being set up perfectly for a terrific finish, but then the third act began, and everything veered off into a complete trainwreck and Bill does a complete 180 and blames himself for everything. He could have stuck up for himself, but instead, what we're all supposed to learn from this film is that Bill was wrong the whole time and it turns out he's the problem and is going to do much better from now on and gosh darn it he's really sorry about being so horrible to everyone. Now he gets to live happily ever after because he learned his lesson and will totally just accept the ever-changing world around him because that's what grown-ups are supposed to do. He had a chance to be bold, but he went full sellout for a "feel good" ending. Just sad. I was ready to give this movie a solid 7 out of 10, but that dumpster fire of an ending landed me on a solid 1 out of 10 stars. Awful. Just awful.
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