Unconventional rom-com in want of an ending
29 June 2023
There's a regrettable, sexist tendency for movies to feature ditzy female characters, who are not just young and pretty, but also young (meaning immature) at heart, and in need of a good strong man to take care of them. 'Anais in Love' is almost one of those films, in that its titular protagonist is indeed a bit juvenile; but she's also strong-willed, proactive, and not looking to be saved on anybody else's terms. Indeed, deviating from the traditional rom-com template, she starts out chasing men then falls for a woman. The problem here is rather the ending, which is underwhelming, bland, and critically not the consequence of the character's own actions. We see Anais careering through various affairs throughout the film, then one of these ends, and with that, so does the film. It feels like there's a missing coda, some concluding section where Anais comes to terms with what she has learnt from her experiences or fails to do so. Instead, the film just ends, oddly inconclusively.
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