A big letdown(updated)
6 March 2023
If you combined drunk history with rejected bad SNL skits, you get History of the world part 2. There are a few funny parts to it, and some stuff may be funny to a younger crowd, but the majority of this could have done with some better editing of the jokes.

The entire thing felt like a pitch meeting where Mel Brooks wasn't able to say no to anybody's ideas. It lacks the charm and cohesiveness of the original and practically everything else Brooks has done. They traded out the usually clever humor and satire Brooks is known for and instead get a bunch of dress up where everyone just plays a vulgar or stupid version of themselves or their stand-up persona or some parody of a modern pop culture reference while dressed as the character.

There were some funny bits that I liked, but overall it felt dumbed down and more miss than hit.

Tried watching the third episode. Lowering my rating. This show is an abomination. Someone should check if Mel Brooks even knows what he attached his name to and narrated. Awful show.
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