Stowaway (II) (2021)
...a sinking ship...
21 January 2023
Started to watch this because of Frank Grillo.

I get the feeling this was a favor to someone who wants to get their first crack at a longer movie (directing/producing/editing/camera). If that's the case, most is forgiven.

So the plot is that a young woman inherits a yacht from her long lost father. The inheritance also comes with some complicated history and the young women will soon find herself in the middle of it.

What struck me immediately is the lighting and camera work. It just gives the movie the feel of a (low budget) soap opera, think "bold and the beautiful".

The editing is off. Either the scenes start just a bit to early or cut away to soon. The sequencing is just off, with many shots just repeating. It disrupts the flow of the movie and makes it cringing to watch. It's like the first time you learn to drive stick.

The set looks pretty cool. Unfortunately, the special effects are just poorly done. Think Sharkenado. (If sparks from an angle grinder fly in someones' face, the pain will be real).

(young and old) Rose is overselling the whole abandoned, "I don't care attitude" child and is underselling the suspense and action sequences.

I liked her in John Wick. She is capable of action movies and fight scenes. It's just not coming together for her in this movie. Maybe the step to being a lead actor was a bit to big for now?

Frank, I think he's an underrated actor. LOVED him in Warrior and The Purge: Anarchy. I don't know what he was thinking doing this movie. He's so out of place. He's working very hard to carry the dialogue. So either Rose is not giving back enough, or the lines don't give enough to talk about and/or the director is not giving enough direction to the actors.

Over all the acting is not convincing. There's no chemistry and the dialogues don't flow. Grillo keeps asking if her dad ever talked about him or the past. Rose keeps repeating that her dad was absent at best. It's just awkward.

The action sequences look rehearsed and aren't logical.

1) even someone who's had a week's worth of training with a riffle can hit a target from 50 m. A seasoned merc will definately hit the target.

2) A merc will easily escape a guillotine choke.

3) Street kids fight dirty, so they'll go for the groin, eyes and throat first.

So, I'm looking forward to Frank's next movie!
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