Review of Gaslit

Gaslit (2022)
Ugh Horribly Inaccurate
27 December 2022
The only people being Gaslit are the audience.

Either no one researched it before writing the show or no one cared for the real details. HONESTLY. The show just seems like it was created so that writers could try to show how clever they were with ridiculously witty try-hard) dialogue.

I have been obsessed with Watergate since I was very young. I remember seeing Nixon on tv when I was 6 & sitting at my grandmother's house while the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities was broadcast daily on PBS. Later in 7th grade I did a book report on it and wrote a 10. Page poem of it for my English class. (Yes, I was that weird geeky kid!) - Now that we have the internet, those very congressional hearings are available to watch on the Library of Congress site. Needless to say, I have watched every hour of testimony multiple times and will admit that, while others may drift off to sleep while listening to music or audiobooks, I listen to the testimony to fall asleep.

One of my 'comfort movies' is "All The President's Men" and I've a hard cover version of the testimony published as " Special Prosecutor and Watergate Grand Jury Legislation. Hearings, Ninety-third Congress, First Session on H. J. Res. 784". - It's obviously still relevant, Hollywood & the media still write about it.

Among the witnesses are; two of the plain cloths cops who responded to the Watergate call, Jim McCord, Dean, Butterfield, Halderman, Segretti, Magruder, Ehrlichman & the rest of the cast of characters.

The testimony was extensive & the cross examinations exhaustive. So It boggles my mind how they changed facts & detailed conversations to weave together this mediocre soap opera laced with boringly irrelevant relationship drama.

Jim McCord is characterized as an idiot who knows nothing about bugging or espionage when in fact he was a former FBI agent and an expert in physical security & electronic devices at the CIA.

There are hours of Jack Caufield's testimony related to the the initial revelation that men who gave false names were reported to have been arrested at Watergate. - All of it left out.

So so much more is just wrong or missing. It makes it unwatchable.
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