Was it terrible subtitles or just a terrible film?
26 August 2022
I'm not sure how much of the blame should fall on the subtitles. You can never tell how good the translation is. Each sentence on its own was grammatically correct, but put together, the film's dialogue made no sense.

Was there even a story here? What little story there seemed to be kept getting interrupted for random tangents or philosophical musings nobody asked for. And the characters were all over the place. Stone faced one minute, laughing the next, can't give you the time of day, then suddenly passionately in love. None of it made any sense. Maybe it just all got lost in translation. And that death scene. Oh my god, just die already.

I've seen some of the director's other work (Kanal was fantastic, and Katyn was brooding and somber), so my reaction isn't due to an unfamiliarity with his style. But this film was just terrible. So unbelievably boring. I have no idea what film the other reviewers saw, and everyone's entitled to his/her opinion, but those people must have been smoking some damn good stuff.
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