Theo and Aubrey show
14 August 2022
It's not as dramatic or quick paced as I thought it would be but that made it a somewhat more believable story. Both Aubrey Plaza and Theo Rossi played their characters really well, nothing over the top which made sense for the characters. However it is quite anticlimactic, not very imaginative so there's not much specifically to remember the movie by. I'm caught in two minds because Aubrey and Rossi did an amazing job but didn't have a imaginative story to match, then again the lack of overblown extravagant schemes is what made the movie feel believable. I like it because it's about relatively small time criminals, it's not about some big time drug dealer, elaborate heist, or wall street schemes which usually get the limelight when it comes to movies, it feels like regular people just trying to get by, not get big. It sorta reminds me of Rosamund Pike's "I Care A Lot" in that sense, but difference is she went from committing subtle crimes to taking over the world by the end. This isn't as good or thrilling as it could've been but it's good enough for a watch even though it's just about better than mediocre.
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