Review of Moloch

Moloch (2022)
This movie has several original concepts that I really enjoyed
7 August 2022
Moloch (2022) is a new release from the Netherlands currently available on Shudder. The storyline follows a group of researchers who uncover a fossilized woman tied to a legend near a bog. Shortly after finding the corpse a house near the bog starts having visitors and portions of the legendary story starts happening all around the family in the house. The legend may play out at the family's home if the scientist and family doesn't work together to stop it.

This movie is directed by Nico van den Brink in his directorial debut and stars Sallie Harmsen (Bladerunner 2049), Markoesa Hamer (How to Sell Drugs Online), Edon Rizvanolli (Unwanted), Alexandre Willaume (The Wheel of Time) and Jack Wouterse (Vet Hard).

This movie has several original concepts that I really enjoyed. There are crazy intense throat slash scenes in this like you've never seen before. The storyline reminded me of Rare Exports in some ways. The settings are really beautiful and the dialogue is well written and felt realistic. The acting is solid and the horror elements are well done. The ending is absolutely tremendous. My one complaint is there are several scenes with a child in a basement and acts going on above them where if they showed the acts taking place I believe those scenes could have been even better (those scenes in this reminded me of Black Phone in a way).

Overall this is a solid addition to the horror genre that's worth a viewing. I would score it a solid 7-7.5/10 and recommend giving it a shot.
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