Stowaway (II) (2021)
7 August 2022
It's hard enough for anyone to get a film off the ground. So, I give credit here to a team that put one in the can during the height of a pandemic. I also extend my admiration to performers like Ruby Rose, Frank Grillo, and Luis Da Silva Jr for signing on to a lower budget film surrounded by such conditions.

As for the film, I think by now we all know what we are getting with a Saban movie. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just evident the types of films they exploit. For that, it's hard for me to compare this film to any I hold in my personal lists of greatness.

I give it a 7 out of 10 because I personally believed 70% of the performances. My top prize will go to Luis Da Silva Jr. I feel he is finally showing the world that he can give a solid performance without a gun in his hand. So, my hat is off to Mr. Da Silva. Anxious to see more.

Anything can be better, and there's no such thing as perfect. Given the social and economic conditions this film was produced under - I love it! This scenario actually reminds me of two quotes - Comparison is the thief of joy & What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.
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