Then it got dark...
12 July 2022
While certainly not the most ardent Bob's Burgers fan, I do enjoy the actors, the animation, and most of the writing.

The idea of a Bob's Burgers movie was, however, hard to picture in my mind.

Turns out this film is essentially an expanded re-visitation of a plotline that has already been extensively explored through the TV series.

Truly, a lack of originality is this movie's Achille's Heel.

Apart from the tiny fraction of individuals who will show up to theaters with no knowledge of the TV series that spawned it, most viewers will find the main storyline of this movie, as well as all the ancillary ones, very familiar.

While carrying some threads over from the show is expected, this script failed to include enough new concepts to keep it stimulating.

Harsh as it may sound, I believe this is a film many people will actually be happier watching at home, where they can pause it when it starts to drag.

One other thing that stood out about this film was how very disturbing it got in a couple of spots.

I am actually not typically a fan of trigger warnings, but this movie probably could use at least one.

In the interest of avoiding a spoiler tag, I will type no more on the topic; suffice to say, there is more darkness in this film than you find in the vast majority of goofy, animated comedies.

Considering the production in its entirety, this was an enjoyable movie.

There were some laugh out loud bits and some very cool designs introduced around the Warf.

Alas, despite the bright spots, this was a mediocre showing that feels like it was hastily constructed and rushed through theaters.

If the reason for all that is that it was intended for the small screen, then that is where it should have remained.
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