Atlanta (2016–2022)
So many fake 10/10 reviews don't make this a great show
19 April 2022
I really tried to like this show because I like Donald Glover as an actor and I fell for all these fake reviews posted giving it 10/10s calling it an excellent show but after watching the first 5 episodes, I had to stop watching or I'd die from boredom. I've never seen anything so boring in my life and I've watched grass grow before. Literally NOTHING happens. The entire episode is Donald Glover walking around in slow motion, staring at the camera all sad and saying maybe 2-3 sentences at most and before anything happens the episode is already finished.

It looks like they wanted to make a show but didn't have any ideas but they decided to film anyways and ended up spending all their money on advertisement and posting fake reviews instead of coming up with an interesting story. This also explains why the show has a 8.7 average rating but the average drops to 7.0 if you look at Top 1000 reviewers.

Seinfeld: "A show about nothing." Atlanta: "A show where nothing interesting happens."
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