Red Table Talk (2018–2022)
29 March 2022
This show seems staged, vapid, insincere and manipulative. It states the objective is openness though actually seems to consist of contrived, controversial salaciousness to increase their fame, money, power and platform. The true ultimate goal seems to then use these to exert superiority to get away with violence and bullying. The bullying include of the everyday, ordinary audience that they falsely posture that they are trying to help through relating to us in sharing their affairs.

Since they branded themselves, starting long ago, during many years, as being in family content, I saw some of it. I had not realized how self-aggrandizing and transparently fake it is. I wish I could unsee and wash my head of their unveiling. However, I cannot because, since I saw this, unsuspectingly, expecting family-oriented content, in light of how they say that is what they do, I intentionally did not ever see this show again. However, they continue to spew illogical, forced, unhealthy and insane-sounding statements in interviews on the radio and even engage in violence on TV. They do this in front of audiences, like I, that unsuspectingly clicked on suggested, early evening family-oriented TV excerpts. This happened the Sunday of the Oscars. This happens at time slots slated for news and family programming. They come into our homes as I think I am going to see relaxing, family friendly content then make spectacles of themselves.

Then, they try to elicit the audience's sympathy by forcing tears and acting as if they are victims of their own twistedness. Just before and after Smith violently hit a slight, old comedian, who did not expect this as he did his job on TV, this same couple was on TV smiling, laughing and gloating with pride at how they had showed this elderly comedian and the global population that no one is allowed to compare her to a pretty movie star portraying an elite warrior. It turned out Smith's wife did not like this. Smith made a long-winded, illogical speech about how he is the victim, in the manner of abusers' saying love makes them abuse, since he indicated he had to loudly hit the elderly comedian on TV for us to see in our homes, after a statement comparing his spouse to an attractive movie actress convincingly portraying an admirably athletic SEAL trainee. Just before, they had made a video of themselves making animal faces. Actually, they themselves inflict dragging their own names through the dirt and into others' mouths, since I and many others had to, after this unexpected violent outburst, speak up to hinder this. I and many had to speak up since no one else did.

After hitting this well over half-a century old, comedian at his job, Smith justified himself for punching, yelling and cussing at the slender senior citizen comedian for saying a statement that they surprisingly turn out to dislike. Others and I had to see his long-winded, sobbing speech about himself as victim receive a standing ovation. Then the media elite went on record in interviews that this couple are role models for protecting "women" through engaging in workplace violence upon a smaller, elderly, fellow industry member and colleague at his job. This is in spite of how Smith himself is a comedian that makes fun of others.

They foist this on each other, themselves, others and us. Then they try to turn it around and insist they are the true victims, in the manner of abusive gaslighters. Many others and I had to stand up, alone, as the show, industry association, media elite and standing ovation audience glorified and celebrated Smith, this couple, and this violence against an older individual at his job. They and I had to lose time and risk/encounter internet harassment including personal, irrelevant insults for stating this should stop, after they and I saw this elderly man physically, unexpectedly attacked, yelled and cussed at, as these media elite supported this. All the while, those others and I that said this should stop knew that this could happen to any of us for the slightest statement that did not initially seem especially offensive, as well as for saying this assault, seeming elder abuse, harassment at the comedian's job, cussing and glorification of all this should stop. It was clear that they and others in privileged positions like them are celebrated by the media elite and those in power for suddenly violently assaulting another on the job, if someone says a couple words they even, surprisingly, dislike much less state that the violence is criminal.

Then they justify themselves as "protectors"" of women. Indeed, they are not "protecting women" by amplifying chaotic, workplace violence and harassment of a small-boned, older colleague. It is the opposite. They are, in the extreme, encouraging harming women by goading the media elite into celebrating this and into awarding them as role models of supposedly "protecting" women through an eruption into chaotic workplace violence, cussing and raging at a smaller, less powerful individual, then getting away with it to applause and standing ovation by those in power. They did this after they enriched themselves through the unhealthy content in this show then complained others spoke about this by asking that they please stop sharing these secrets that I and the audience did not expect to hear.

They chose to do this just after a woman had been shot and killed by a powerful actor, similarly, at her employment allegedly after repeated violations there of industry, legal and/or safety standards. Similarly, Smith and everyone contributing to the standing ovation, applauding them, should have known that this outburst violated industry TV standards and criminal law. They chose to do this after years of extreme violence and employee harassment against women by Weinstein, Epstein and many others. Many of those standing during the standing ovation knew about that also for decades though looked the other way while praising these perpetrators too. The justification this couple gives narcissistically is that everyone somehow should have known-- amidst a pandemic, many resulting deaths, war and economic collapse--why Smith's spouse shaves her head, as she has for a number of years. The justification too is that everyone should mind read that she is not open to comparison to the athletic SEAL candidate character and attractive movie star that had portrayed her.

This has even inspired someone to start a petition, thankfully, to stop interviewing this couple. This petition states truthfully that none of us asked for their unhealthy secrets to be revealed to us, as we had unsuspectingly happened to casually click on their so-called family-oriented content. I used to go out of my way to speak of respect for Smith. I have and had no ill will toward him. However, they have chosen to continue on like this for years. The love he spoke of in his speech comes with honesty and structure, and this should stop, including the use of the platform given to them as they have and still use it over years.
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