Bye Bye HC
23 November 2021
When the story originally broke I already said I can't wait to watch the movie. What an exciting weekend of watching the news it was!

I honestly didn't expect much. I was just looking forward to experience the fall of HC Strache on TV again. And what a fall it was. These days he's begging for money from his fans on social media. What a pathetic *#^*!~{^!

But this production was amazing. Fast paced. Gudenus character made me laugh. Brilliantly played. But it wasn't a story to ridicule, it was well done. The different characters were portrayed really well, their motivation as well as struggles.

Also didn't expect to be able to watch it in the U. K. Doubt many Brits will watch it but hey, love some good Austrian accent on screen here.

Can't wait to watch the downfall of Sebastian Kurz. Hope the same production team will take care of that!
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