The Lost Battalion (2001 TV Movie)
I'd love it if it weren't for that accursed shaky cam!
21 November 2021
One of the worst innovations in TV and films in recent years has been the employment of the so-called 'shaky cam'. In other words, instead of trying to reduce camera shake, someone thought it was a great idea NOT to. Now there is existing technology to reduce shake and make the footage look better...but apparently some folks thought it was great to make footage look worse, perhaps to make it look more real. Well, it might...but it also might induce nausea!! One reviewer wondered why this film wasn't released first to the big screen...but with the shaky cam, they'd need to hand out Dramamine to patrons first!! This sort of shake is VERY apparently in battle scenes...and I really dislike it...which is a shame, as otherwise this is a quality film. I love how they tried to get details right...such as the Americans using French machine guns...which was common in WWI.

The story is apparently based on real situations. It's set in October, 1918...just a month before the end of the war. The Americans and French have planned a doomed offensive and the story is about a unit that was caught behind enemy lines and had to either fight its way out or wait for help.

Rick Schroder plays the lead, Major Whittlesey. He is actually very good but sadly wasn't a great choice for a reason he couldn't control. While he was about 30 when he made the film, he looked about 20...too young looking to be a major. One day he'll love looking so young!

Overall, this is an exceptionally made that would earn a 9 if it weren't for that accursed shaky cam. It was so bad in spots that I found myself looking away because it was noticeable and annoying.
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