Dangerous (III) (2021)
Worst movie of the year
6 November 2021
As "Dangerous" (2021 release; 100 min.) opens, we are introduced to Dylan, a/k/a "D", who is on parole living in an apartment with a electronic ankle bracelet. He get the occasional letter from his younger brother who lives on Guardian Island in the Pacific Northwest. Then one day, someone breaks into the apartment, and before we know it, an FBI Special Agent is on the scene but D has fled (breaking his parole along the way). At this point we are 10 min into the movie but to tell you more of the plot would spoil your viewing experience.

Couple of comments: this is the latest film from director David Hackl, best known for "Saw V". Here he concocts a movie that is billed as an "action thriller". The problem is that someone forgot to write a script that makes any sense (if a script was even written?). It didn't take long before I had this sinking feeling in my stomach that yes, this is possibly, ok more than likely, the worst movie I have seen this year. Do you want to know exactly when? The moment that Mel Gibson (as D's therapist) appears, that's when. The few scenes that Gibson is in are so incredibly poorly acted, it's just beyond the pale. Not that Scott Eastwood or Famke Janssen (the other 'big names') are much better. The so-called action scenes are laughable, frankly. It all comes with a feeling of watching a B (or even C) movie (at best).

Let me be upfront: I knew absolutely nothing about this film before I saw it this weekend. So why did I even go see this movie? For no other reason than that it plays at my local art-house theater here in Cincinnati. Yes, the same art-house theater where I have seen hundreds of movies over the years, often with good and even great results. I simply trust them to schedule movies that are worth my while. Why oh why they decided to schedule this horrible, horrible film, I haven't the faintest. The Friday early evening screening where I saw this at was attended better than I had expected (8 people in total including myself). All that aside, I cannot in good conscience recommend this film to anyone. But hey, don't take my word for it. If you are in the mood for a (supposed) action thriller or simple are a fan of Scott Eastwood or Famke Janssen, check it out in the theater (while you still can), on VOD, or eventually on DVD/Blu-ray, and draw your own conclusion.
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