Review of Ransom

Ransom (1996)
6.5 is more of a correct rating
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just gonna jump straight into this one. It's a good film, keeps good suspense and very enjoyable to watch. Has some good twists, some not so good twists However, there's just some really odd points about the plot that I want to mention, I feel like it's missing parts of the film somewhere. I'll explain why.

Sorry if you don't like reading on spoilers, but my issues all stem from the plot so I can't avoid on this one. The below is me complaining about the plot so if you are looking for a review free spoiler avoid this!!! I'd recommend reading this after you've watched it.

So the plot is a very straightforward one, kid gets kidnapped parents try to get him back. Could have guessed that by the title eh. So they added in some twists and turns. This is where is gets odd. So from the get go Mel Gibson's character keeps saying "why is he only asking for 2 mill" (he's rich) and keeps alluding to the idea that it's personal and not for money. The hints about it being personal are every 2 minutes. Turns out it was for money, so all that dialogue and all that hinting was for absolutely no reason. Why bother.

The suspense part of this is that the film plays on the idea that the kid might be killed. But let's be honest I think we all know that isn't gonna happen. Parents with 1 child, obviously not going to kill him. So for me a large chunk of suspense just isn't really there for me.

The ending is exceptionally underwhelming. So you have the twist that the main guy gets away with it. Fine, that's a good added bit of drama and it was done really well to be fair to them. But how Mel Gibson finds out is just really naff and underwhelming. I fail to believe the kid would immediately realise it's him after faintly hearing 2 words in the distance. They could have played with this plot twist with loads of different avenues to take, but they went down this slightly unrealistic annoying one and it killed the vibe for me really.

The main twist. So Mel Gibson goes on tv and says 2 mill to whoever finds the guy who did it. Fantastic twist this one, didn't expect it and again done well. But just like the above, it didn't really mean much. It pressured the bad guys sure, but again I this could have been really explored. Had people hunt them down etc. But it ultimately amassed to nothing.

Overall it's still a good film, it's suspenseful, has some good twists and it's an enjoyable watch on the whole. I just wasn't so keen on parts of the plot.
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