Outrageous Fortune (2005–2010)
If only HollyWeird could produce a gem like this!
17 October 2021
I'm really enjoying working my way through this cleverly written series (about half way through Series 4 as I write this)! As an American, I cant stand the utter drivel and rubbish Hollywood spews out these days, and generally, the last three decades...I've developed a real penchant for Aussie and Kiwi TV. :o) We do see many of the same actors among the shows, but to me, that adds to the charm - many of them are excellent! I really appreciate the fact that they don't hold back - with the foul language, the sex & nudity, and the constant drinking, LOL. It may be a turn-off for many prudish yanks, but they should feel free to kindly piss off, and exercise their option to not watch.

I've been a fan of Robyn Malcolm, as Ive seen her in many things, and she definitely does not disappoint here! I first encountered Antonia Prebble and Sioban Marshall in "The Blue Rose", and was thrilled to see that they were both in this. Not sure whether OF was not available before, or if I just ignored it, but I'm happy I finally started watching! I have the feeling I first "rejected" it due to the absolutely HORRENDOUS Hollywood 80s movie of the same title with the monumentally UNTALENTED Shelly Long and Bette Midler. I'm a huge fan of Shane Cortese and Nicole Whippy (both from Nothing Trivial...Shane was also in Step Dave and Nicole in Jackson's Wharf), and Craig Hall (A Place to Call Home, and the Doctor Blake Mysteries). TBH, I just DO. NOT. LIKE Grant Bowler (Wolf) - I first encountered him in the never-ending Aussie series All-Saints - he repelled me then, and in every other bloody show I've seen him in...I personally think the episodes of OF where he is absent are better than the ones he's in. YUK! I find myself constantly hoping he'll get busted again so he can go back inside... On second thought, perhaps that's a nod to his acting chops - getting the desired reaction to his loathsome characters, LOL. I was not familiar at all with Antony Starr, despite his apparent participation in American productions that others know him in...I think he does a very fine job here, playing the twins. Yes, they are all basically "white trash", but that adds to the "charm" of the story, IMO...Van has really grown on me, despite his complete idiocy (explained by a childhood trauma/accident). He and his BFF Munter are actually quite adorable and sweet together, in their own way - these guys make Beavis and Butthead look like MENSA members, LOL.

I had actually decided to start the journey by starting with Westside, as I knew it was a prequel (by this point, as mentioned, I was already familiar with Antonia, who plays the ever-present Rita as well as her granddaughter Loretta)...that is making watching OF more of a joy, as they reveal over time, the characters I'd gotten to know from WS...the only issue is - I had to stop after Series 3, as 4-6 are STILL not available in the US for unknown (to me) reasons, so I'm forced to wait to complete that series. Hope the 'powers that be' release it in this region soon!!

Give this one a go...it may take a few episodes to get going, but if you enjoy OZ and NZ TV like I do, you won't regret it...!
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