Review of 122

122 (2019)
Suitably compelling, if regrettably imperfect
5 October 2021
There's consistent consideration of lighting to help build atmosphere, and composer Saif Oraibi's original score also works to that end - not the most electrifying film music in the world, but quite suitable. I think the cast do a fine job, most especially leads Amina Khalil as Omneya, and Ahmed Dawood as Nasr, ably realizing the hapless lovers with force of personality, range, and all necessary physicality. There's a point to be made, however, that all are perhaps constrained by writing that force them into performances as little more than very typical horror-thriller archetypes - protagonists, antagonists, one-note supporting characters. For the most part I think the acting is quite fine, though whether a result of the actors' limits or tawdry direction from filmmaker Yasir Al Yasiri, there are definitely some instances that are less than convincing. These are especially glaring considering the general strength of Khalil and Dawood's portrayals.

I think Salah Algoheny's screenplay is quite good as a whole, offering great potential as the story of a couple who stumble into illicit dealings at a hospital. I'm just not entirely sure that the execution is all that it could have been. Whether by design or maybe budgetary restrictions, the hospital feels exceptionally empty (of villains); scenes that in a comparable feature may be especially grisly are instead rather perfunctory, not fully imparting the dire circumstances; the most action-oriented moments sometimes seem halfhearted. In too many ways, '122' often feels somewhat lacking. There are a couple story beats that just don't connect as believably as they should, while others seem a tad conventional.

Still, there's a strong sense of tension, and growing suspense, that if not all-consuming is sufficient to keep us actively engaged. In no way is the movie perfect, and some aspects feel regrettably deficient. But it's entertaining, duly compelling, and more worthwhile than not. I want to like it more than I do; it's flaws hold it back in my opinion - yet in the end '122' is enjoyable, and fairly well made and satisfying. If not the most essential horror-thriller available, this is worth checking out if you come across it.
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