Entertaining, bold, shocking and complex - a gem
13 August 2021
I haven't always been the biggest fan of New Zealand films in the past. So I went into 'Coming Home in the Dark' a little guarded. By about the 20 minute mark in the film though I knew I was in for an absolute treat. There is a truly shocking scene early in this film that sets the tone for the entire premise. It tells us that nothing is off limits and nothing goes without saying from here on out. This is a seriously good film.

The best villains are always the ones you can sympathise with. You don't have to side with them or agree with them in any way, you just have to understand where they're coming from. 'Coming Home in the Dark' has two of the more expertly crafted villains I can remember seeing in a film in a long time. At first there's a bit of a 'Funny Games' feel about them, however as the film goes along we realise there is a lot more going on behind the confident facades than we first imagined.

I will not ever be the type to enjoy or praise a film simply because it is made in New Zealand. That didn't factor into my love of this film in the slightest. This film doesn't need that. It is more than strong enough to stand on its own. It is unpredictable, original, bold and layered. Not to mention a very entertaining ride at the same time that will have you on the edge of your seat. Bravo James Ashcroft. This is a gem you have delivered us.
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