2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
You'll root for the glacier
22 July 2021
Within the first five minutes the father establishes himself as the single least likable person on earth. A few minutes later we learn this out of shape obnoxious jerk is married to a former Playboy Playmate (MCCullough), so we know we know we are deep in male fantasy territory here. We then learn he has the know-it-all son and estranged teenage daughter required in all Asylum movies, implying he had sex with said Playboy Playmate at least twice. Our worst fears are confirmed. This isn't merely a teenage male fantasy, but a cartoon.

What follows is cartoon level idiocy of the highest order. The coyote and roadrunner is more believable. I won't spoil the ending, but if the "actors" lived through it you wouldn't know it by their reactions. I cannot imagine what a casting session for these films must be like. Where do they find these people?

No stars.
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