Review of Chosen

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chosen (2003)
Season 7, Episode 22
The series finale, that finally lived up to expectations.
14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is why I can't say Buffy The Vampire Slayer, is a bad show. It's not. Some seasons may be. But only because of things that didn't feel right. I was hopping mad, watching previous episodes. The amount of characters assassination, was giving me a headache. But I thought there had to be some logic behind. And I was right. This finale episode, sorts out the season flaws and shortcomings, in one fell swoop. All the bickering and starry-eyed girl stuffs, were mocked, to show this was not at all what it was about. And I loved that. The show back to its natural form. The one we knew and loved, since day one. With something more, that wasn't there until now. Closure. I'm not mad some characters I loved, died. While others I hated, survived. It's the showrunner's choice to make. But having principal Wood as one of the survivors. After being given such a bad name, was my personal cheering moment. This, and Buffy implying Angel might be the one (not a starry-eyed girl stuff, just logical writing...) were.

Season 7 is the weakest season, in all aspects. It is dull, with very few good episodes, and storylines. But binge watching the series again, after all these years. Was very educational. It made me realize how the turn of the century, was very important for TV. And clearly foreshadowed the dumbing down state, we're currently forced to live in. And why it was the time so many great popular series, decided to end. RIP good TV.
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