Ignore the negative reviews
15 May 2021
It's 26 years since this movie was made and at the time of writing there have been 542 user reviews. They are very polarising. Most score it 9 or 10, a minority give it 1-4.

I have seen this movie at least 10 times, even after seeing its sequels. It still moves me to tears - and I'm a male. It is a brilliant piece of filmmaking, for reasons eloquently outlined in all the reviews giving it top marks. It avoids all the fakery of most romance movies, it is so eminently relatable, and the script and acting are exceptional, particularly Julie Delpy.

To all those who said it was boring, tedious, contrived, and that the characters lacked connection with no chemistry between the leads - well I truly feel sorry for you as you cannot possibly have lived and loved and been moved by such emotion

Go find this film in the archives and watch it. It's a rare gem.
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