Resident Alien (2021– )
Can't wait for more!
8 May 2021
I'm so glad that Resident Alien has gained such an audience. The word of mouth for this show has been great and the reason why we keep getting more great show seasons. Season 2 kind of strayed away from the comedy that made Season 1 so good, it was still funny but they changed the show a little too much. Season 3 returned to the hilarious show it was in the first season. Netflix recently picked this show up and it immediately became a worldwide hit. It was in the Top10 as soon as it came out and stayed there for a few months. Hopefully with its new found audience this show will continue for several more seasons. Alan Tudyk is such an underrated actor. He's funny in just about everything he does and this role is probably his best yet. There are plenty of other great characters but my next favorite is easily Sheriff Thompson, played by Corey Reynolds. He is absolutely hilarious in every scene he's in. You won't regret watching this hilarious show.
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