Road to Bali (1952)
Spoof and colorful entry to "Road to.." series with the always attractive Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour
7 February 2021
An amusing entry of the Road comedies that were sure-fire boxoffice bets in the post-war years . Popular Hope and Crosby led to nationwide queues for the most successful comedy series of its time . This is a typical Bob Hope , Bing Crosby , Dorothy Lamour comedy in which our starring become involved in a lot of problems and adventures in the idyllic island of Bali. As they are two unemployed artists of failed spectacles , then they take jobs as sea divers for an island prince . Along the way they find a chest of priceless jewels and then some nasty , shady locals want to take it .Together again ¡ in the best and funniest Road picture yet !

The picture results to be a hilarious show with lots of fun , irony , giggles , songs , tongue-in-cheek , and musical numbers. Along with the charming main cast , there is an interesting plot enlivened by some funny guest appearances and a really attractive twist end . The most famous song was Crosby and Hope's duet : Chicago style . This is very entertaining and amusing movie , though some comical sketches seem more forced than before . It belongs to the "Road to..." series starred by Crosby , Hope and Dorothy Lamour , they formed a famous trio with too much success and they starred seven films as "Road to Morocco", "Road to Zanzibar" , "Road to Hong Kong" , "Road to Río", "Road to Utopia" , "Road to Singapore". This Road to Bali was the only of the series being shot in colour . Bob Hope and Bing Crosby are joined by a nice support cast of familiar faces, such as : Leon Askin, Michael Ansara , Ralph Moody , Murryn Vye , Humphrey Bogart , Katharine Hepburn on film, Carolyn Jones and final appearance cameo by Jane Russell in an amusing sketch. Furthermore , Dean Martin , Jerry Lewis funny guest spots , giving back Hope , Crosby's participation in "Scared Stiff" . The motion picture was well directed by Hal Walker who also made Road to Utopía , considered to be best of the series, and with similar artistic and technical team .
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