Review of Gingerclown

Gingerclown (2013)
Tries to hard to be bad
8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm actually quite a fan of early horror movies and I'm all in for puppets and creature horror and of course: Trash. Sadly this movie has so many issues I couldn't enjoy it.

The none existing plot, the hilariously bad actors, the weird dialogues the bad effects - it's all here and at first the movie seems to be quite okay. But the further you advance, one can tell the creator tried to hard at producing trash without getting the essence. The puppets for example I really liked. They are weird, badly animated, talking nonsense at best and are quite original. But you see every puppet for just around 5 minutes in a small monologue, sometimes a small dialogue. Just when you get to understand the idea of the presented weird character, the scene is over without further interaction of the main characters with the creatures. One does wonder why all other creatures than the clown are in this movie when their only purpose is "to be there". Also, most puppets seem only to be built as head and hands/arms. When their bodies are shown, one can clearly see that there's a puppeteer under a black curtain moving the parts. Yeah, that's quite trash, but it feels like the creators didn't even try.

The worst part of this movie might be the missing horror aspects. Why bring like 10 different weird creatures that want too kill everybody, but only 3 main actors, of which only 1 gets killed? There are like 10 teens in m at the beginning of the movie! Why not integrate them in the movie?

The dialogues as said before are okay. To much insulting though, the 80s weren't that insulting imho. Also why are some creatures interacting with the main characters while others don't seem to even see them.

To sum it up: This movie tries to hard to be Trash. Actors seem to play their worst on purpose, not because they are bad actors. The puppets are half ar*ed, and they should've never shown them full size. There is no horror. There movie tries to be funny but isn't

I actually wish the movie was better, since there is not many puppet-horror-movies anymore.
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