At the right time, at a right place
3 November 2020
This great movie has one profound message for the people in USA, but also for the people outside of the USA - especially those who see USA as a boogieman nation: The USA had been in a constant state of stall since the 60's, and proof to that is everything that had been the pinnacle of news coming from USA in the previous two years. The people, the ordinary humans just like you and me, were so suppressed and enslaved by the domestic moguls of all kinds, be it political, economical or other, that they needed over 50 years and the explosive advancement in technology, internet and social media to get back from zero to the moment in history where people who wanted to peacefully show their numbers gathered over ideas of equality, peace and value of human life - were painted as demons of violence, sin and malice by the same ones who profited of war, death, division, racism and inequality by the tools that invest power to maim, gas, beat up and imprison anyone thinking otherwise or proposing that religion, skin color, nation, origin or beliefs are freedom of choice and not a scratch on a scale of one's value of life or level of allowed freedom to pursue happiness.

This movie was released in the right time, condensing and interpreting real-life events that are horribly similar to what people, humans, are going trough now in the USA... I stand corrected - what people in the USA, and worldwide, are going trough for more than half a century in reverse, and are just now having recuperated strength and having ways to again ask for freedom and be allowed the value of life.

I am not optimistic that we, as a human species, can move forward before couple of more cycles like these and more suffering and failing to see each other as equal human beings, but it gives hope. The idea of society of equality is far from dead, it is only dormant at times, but while it is sleeping under a boot - it never dies.
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