Audrey Rose (1977)
Interesting and offbeat film about reincarnation shot with an attention to nice design and traditional style
29 October 2020
A fine movie centering on a mysterious stranger , Anthony Hopkins , attempts to convince a happy marriage , Marsha Mason , John Beck that their daughter , Susan Swift , has been reincarnated , cementing the fears of the unsettling mother and indeference of the incredulous father . Parents of the young girl are terrified when their small child is having dreadful dreams. The nightmares go on suggesting that none other than Lucifer could be at work . Ultimately , the story contains a staggering misjudged final . And a moving trial at the Criminal Court with a defender lawyer : Robert Walden , a state prosecutor : John Hillerman and an accused Man: Anthony Hopkins .

This one deals with thorny subject of reencarnation , but not one in the long line of demonic kiddie pic , though some critics have considered this one as a slow-moving take-off on The Exorcist . This is a very impressive , and sober-minded film in medium budget with adequate interpretations . Terrific acting by Anthony Hopkins as the widower persuades Mason and Beck that their daughter may be his dead child who died by a car crash and nowadays returning to life. Very good cast is hampered by slow-moving and some boring filmmaking , adding a tense and suspenseful musical score by Michael Small, as well as an atmospheric cinematography . The movie is notable for giving a strikingly sober portrait of the incompatibilities of marriage and especially focusing on the emocional plight of the paranormal malarkey , however, packing a weak staged ending . Adapted by writer Frank De Felitta from his best seller novel .

The picture was well made by Robert Wise giving a hard-hitting direction . This American filmmaker whose work became more variable as his career progressed , generally at his best with sinister issues or small-scale . His break as a filmmaker came when producer Val Lewton hired him for The Curse of the Cat People . His best films are rightly clustered in the ten years that followed from 1944-1953 as The Body Snatchers , furthermore Born To Kill , Blood on the Moon and The House on Telegraph Hill . But the best movie from this top-notch period is The Set-Up with a typically gritty interpretation from Robert Ryan. Subsequently, he made a movie that triggered the revival of Science Fiction genre : The Day the Earth Stood Still . After that , he directed two flag-waving WWII films : Destination Gobi and The Desert Rats about the African campaign . The known drama I Want To Live ¡ won an Academy Award for Susan Hayward . The successful and superb ghost story : The Haunting considered to be a terror Cult Movie. And the extremely Oscarized West Side Story and The Sound of Music and the really spectacular The Sand Pebbles , The Hindenburg , Star Trek the Motion Picture , and the intelligent Sci-Fi movie : The Andromeda Strain , among others.
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