What an amazing cast!! Too bad the film lacked energy.
3 October 2020
Whether or not "The Last Tycoon" is a great movie or not, it's a must-see for folks like me who love classic Hollywood. Think about it...the film features the talents of folks like Robert Mitchum, Robert De Niro, Ray Milland, Jeanne Moreau, John Carradine, Tony Curtis, Dana Andrews and Jack Nicholson ALL in the same film! And, this doesn't include all the famous supporting actors such as Jeff Corey, Seymour Cassel, Theresa Russell, Peter Strauss and more!! Wow...what an amazing cast director Elia Kazan had on hand for this picture.

The story was inspired by an unfinished story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It's a story that seems to have been inspired by various real Hollywood folks...though it's very highly fictionalized. The main character, Monroe Stahr (De Niro), is the most closely like a real Hollywood icon, Irving Thalberg....and he is the 'tycoon' from the title. And, throughout the film, Stahr burns the candle at both ends....working non-stop like Thalberg and a man who seemingly has the Midas touch. But, in many, many other ways he and Thalberg are very much different...so much so that it's obviously not meant as a biography of the man. It's more like a jumping off point....with a character reminiscent of Thalberg at the beginning but much unlike him as the story progresses.

So is it any good? Yes...but also disappointing. With such a great cast and director, I really expected more. At times, the film felt episodic and the ending certainly felt incomplete. But I would also add that some of the performances were amazingly muted...to the point where I think the film could have used an infusion of energy and life. Too many times, De Niro and, later, his love interest, simply seemed half asleep and this did detract from the story. Overall, very much a mixed bag...worth seeing but quite uneven.
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