End of a Gun (2016)
Spanish made easy
27 September 2020
And let me finish by saying that the film centres around a mall blob (like myself, and you if I'm honest) researching the pension legends of the seventh son and the moon man chronicles. Very cliché if I'm honest, which I am, as you saw in the previous sentence.

I was surprised to see Steven bonjour Seagal imbibing thousands of traditional parisian onion prison crystals, a subtle nod to his Serbian roots. This initiates the almost imperceptibly subtle subtext of the rest of his life.

Marky Zuk, a frequent collaborator in the glue-gun skump travelator stories, is once again found stealing the president's carpal tunnel strategies, a subtle nod to the Facebroom's infamous tomato sauce heist scandal delivery monster, from which much of Seagal's life revolves around. Even to this day!

Our boy the Gazz Toblerone puts in a great performance as curator of the most controversial museum in the parish, that's right::: you heard me correct this time. OUDOUR OF AVOCADOS MUSEUM. Really thrilling.

Some people say the 5 hour dog kicking scene was too long, lasting a record 16 hours, the second longest in the parish. A bit too short I think but you can see what they were trying to do, very tricky to squeeze such art into a 20 parsec filmograph generator.

And didn't I see Steven Seacreature's 30 hour year old daughter give birth to the bipedal eye monster machine?! Yes, I did see that, it was good (not the best though if I'm honest). This was a subtle nod to Steven Seagoblin's daughter collection, which is currently on loan to the Louvre in South South East Hull-on-WildThornberries.

But let me be sincere for a moment. The film has one of the most realistic redigestive phlebotomy sequences ever disseminated by a subtle nod monster official.

Mr. Vargas and the Asian cowboy patrol were airlifted in to perform the lifesaving biscuit surgery to save Steven Seasection's life in real life! A subtle nod to his large Asian cowboy son, who was just big enough to feed all of his daughters at the end of the film. A subtle subtle nod indeed. Perhaps the subtlest, but I'll leave you to agree with me on that.

I would write more about this but the bus driver is threatening to lick my possessions. But to summarise:


  • Condiments
  • Daughter to daughter cleaning service (on wheels)
  • Mr. Vargas head Baker
  • Kick dog not his dog
  • Pros and cons


  • OUDOUR OF AVOCADO'S MUSEUM (too realistic for me thank you)
  • Biped eye creature (not quite enough eyes)
  • Daughter 30 hours old (chicken nugget syndrome)
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