ALL those X-Men films prepared me WELL , for this ~{ E X T R A }~ deep dive into the SUPERNATURAL😱... The Movie is "Super-Bizarre" , but ~{ V E R Y }~ Creative , Indeed 🔥 .
11 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers

A { -Micro- } Review .

Danielle Moonstar : " There's a Native American proverb that says : Inside every person there are two bears, forever locked in combat for your soul. One bear is all things good: compassion, love, trust. The other is all things evil: fear, shame and self-destruction " .

Expect some REALLY good dramatic, intense, and romantic 💘 -even- performances... from this small but Truly ⭐ Fine smattering of ~{ Young 💎 }~ actors and actresses ; carefully ~{ Handpicked }~ from Hollywood's new brood of "Up-And-Comers". Music-composer Mark Snow { of 'Huge' X-Files 👽 Acclaim } provides a fittingly... " All at once Eerie Yet Still Vivid & Soaring " ...theme, that very nicely dramatizes all those 'Super-creepy' moments in the film ; & believe me you, there are a whole bunch of them to boot. Also, for what it's worth, I actually thought that Rahne's relationship with Danielle was ~{ Truly Moving }~ at the very Least 🌠 .

The film was big fun, and refreshingly different from what came before. The -{ Entire }- film is essentially predicated on, & centered around, the lives & actions of, get this..... { ~JUST SIX~ } Principal ⭐ Characters on One Single ( sprawling ) Estate " ...& I was -{ STILL }- entertained to bits. A Lively ~{ Enthusiastic 😃 }~ 7.00 Marks Out Of 10 .
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