Review of Plan B

Plan B (I) (2009)
Good film, but needs to trim the fat
24 August 2020
There's a gem of a film here, but it feels as if its buried under lingering shots where nothing happens and the introduction of characters who have you wondering who they hell they are.

The story follows Bruno (who plays his role fantastically) and the friendship he forges with his ex's current boyfriend in a convoluted scheme to win her back.

Now, I will say that the boy's friendship is very believable and the way they seem to draw closer is extremely subtle. One thing I believe the film does very well is never quite telling us what the characters are really thinking. It's up to the viewer to simply "see" the shift and understand what the characters must be thinking.

But, unfortunately, the main storyline is hampered by the addition of characters I'm not even sure who they are or what relation they had with any of the main cast. Somehow, in a 2 hour film, this movie seems extremely pressed for TIME. It just feels like not enough time is spent just developing the boys and too much time is instead just lingering on moody shots of people sitting for minutes at a time.

I don't know. I feel as if I can't quite put into words the shortcomings of this movie.

With that being said, the film is still pretty good and does manage to turn a rather odd (and somewhat cliche) plot into something worth watch.
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