The Bachelors (2017)
An interesting, but not spectacular movie
15 August 2020
In a nutshell, the film tells the story about a teacher, after the death of his wife, and his son that move to a new city, where emotional connections with two women help them begin to heal. During 2020 pandemic and less than two years after I watched "The Bachelors" for the 1st time, I realized (after my wife commented it) that I (we) already watched it, but I completely forget it, meaning, it's not that memorable (at least for me) regardless it is a solid dramedy with maybe shallow attempt at exploring themes of depression and mental illness. To be honest, I almost wish the movie was a mini-series just so all the film characters and their backgrounds could have been developed more. Basically, a poor script did not allow story-line to develop enough or for anything else than mostly surface characters and a mediocre drama with some good moments in the relationship of father and son. Acting wise, despite the fact that J.K. Simmons is the biggest name among the cast, each of the four top-billed actors deserve credit for film deft emotional balance. To conclude, while film can feel slow at times, I can recommended it just, please, not watch it if you are feeling down.

Rating: 7+
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