Black Is King (2020)
Black Is King Of Musical Documentaries and Political Fervor
1 August 2020
It is an age of call for change, and an age of inspiration for opinion. So why would Hollywood not take the shot to make a memorable ad venture to cash in on the moment. In the age of streaming and "opportunity" movies are trying to still exit at a fraction of the budget and the choices that come with. Leading the way in this movie is the Queen Bey herself Beyoncé who is taking on a lot roles in this movie in an attempt to culture up the streaming service and inspire change. Will it work? Is the Divided commentary true or is there a go between the two worlds. Yours truly is here to give his opinion on the latest movie:

Movie: Black Is King

Directors: Emmanuel Adjei, Blitz Bazawule Writers: Beyoncé, Yrsa Daley-Ward Stars: Folajomi 'FJ' Akinmurele, Adut Akech, Yemi Alade

LIKES: Visuals Culture Representation Some Of the Music Short Run Time

DISLIKES: Not Really A movie Not a Fan Of the Music at some points Abstract Approach a bit too abstract The Lion King Clips/adaptation not needed Could have used other singers and numbers The Monologues Politically Charged Over Anything else Limited Audience Enjoyment?


In this divided world of review I have found a few things that I agree are strong components that most should agree on. The visuals in this montage of Black culture are beautiful, a varying array of camera techniques that help add finesse and diversity to a movie with sort of a common theme. Overhead shots of the lands allows you to capture the majesty of the African realms, before falling down into the "journey" of the little king running through the streets of the various realms. Filters help further from bringing back the 90's style of filming, dark filters to add the dark dangers of the night, and others to bring out the vibrant colors of the costumes, body paint and setting. That spectacle was the most captivating for me and one can find artistic and non-artistic appreciation for the choices they made. As sort of stated in the last like, the culture of this film is certainly a big them of the film. The audience will be subjected to a collage of black life interspersed with the one central character working through it, and seeing that transform to the America side of things is going to be a source of power for many. I have to say that I enjoyed the costumes, the body paint, and some of the dance styles more than anything else, but others may find more to enjoy that I cannot appreciate. The music that is in this film I feel fits many of the sequences, and some of them had me feeling the rhythm, style, and energy of the song better than others. I can't state the names of the songs or what parts without giving away too much, but those that had more upbeat tempos, or an R&B softness to describe the love aspects of this culture were the things I appreciated the most. Finally, it's nice that this visual diary was only one hour and twenty minutes long for it made the things I did not enjoy less impactful due to not being dragged out.

On the other spectrum of dislikes for this film, I again found things I agreed with that I did not particular enjoy. For one thing, its presentation in advertising and samples states the movie of the year, but this is not a traditional movie. Black is king is more of an abstract collaboration of art styles that tries too hard to be unique for me and is too loose for the plot that was promised. This very artistic nature means that without an appreciation or relevance to the culture, a bias toward the movement, or loyalty to the artists and culture... you may not appreciate the plot presented. While the theory of adapting the Lion King to this style seemed promising, I did not enjoy the random quotes from the film, the thin transitions between human and animal characters, and the divergence from the Lion King really did not deliver on the potential it had for me. Yet, part of this struggle came from trying to balance the Lion King through a new soundtrack while injecting the political fervor of the movement. Black Is King for me seemed more about the musical numbers and compilations than any actual plot and I think many will agree that this style is not going to be for everyone. As stated, not every song and numbers was a winner for me, some of the more hardcore rap and hype rap just not my speed when talking about the struggles and journey of this human Simba. Second, Beyoncé takes center stage for most of the numbers, sometimes stealing the show right with her ravishing moves and beauty, and other times seeming to be a self-glorifying, look at me number that was lost to me. Given the number of artists out there to represent the story, and could surely have designed numbers that felt more towards the lion King motif they wanted. However, I think that adding that showmanship may have gotten in the way of the other aspect of this movie, the political motivation and inspiration. The title is only the start of the political fervor in this film, and I can't say that I agree with the others who say that is not what this movie is about. The monologues alone are loaded with plenty of lines geared towards inspiration, some poetic and beautiful, and others a bit too strong for me and matching the social media posts I've seen. Eventually the visuals and numbers mirror this and get into a call for change that starts again mirroring the movements you see on the internet. Without he story and balance I appreciate, this component started too grate on my patience and take me away from the beauty the visuals were keeping me in. This brings me to the final point, is that this last paragraph sort of makes me think this is a limited audience appreciation and that I believe leads to the dividing results.


Both sides of the argument have fair points in terms of the quality of this movie. Visuals are beautiful, a strong and diverse approach to let you see the beauty of black culture and the various components of the ethnicity. With some on the mark numbers and a soundtrack that again represents the culture well, I feel these are the positives to the film that I watched. However, removing the political bias, the fervor, and other components that are needed to get into the moment is where this film failed for me. The very abstract approach to storytelling is going to be lost to some, and the Lion King integration was cute and clever but not executed well for me. With the story sort of lost, the movie then is again a music video empowerment piece that gears towards a certain audience mainly and goes from inspiring to overzealous for me with the political charge. Thus, if that is what you want, then hop on Disney + and binge watch it with glee. However, if you are like me and want balance, integration, a story, or at least more of those artists who could blow this representation out of the water, then even one viewing might be a bit much. I'll say this... if you go in there with the idea of hating or loving it purely for the name, Beyoncé, or the movement, you are wasting your time, because both styles and scoring extremes I don't think are true. With this, my scores are:

Adventure/Drama/Fantasy: 6.0 Movie Overall: 5.0
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