Review of Retablo

Retablo (2017)
Retablo: Re-examining Masculinity in the Andes
12 June 2020
Retablo" directed by Alvaro Delgado Aparicio and starring: Magaly Solier, Junior Béjar Roca and Amiel Cayo, set in Peru's Andes region. It's in Quechua & Spanish w/ English subtitles, released in 2018 with a duration of 1 hr. and 41 min. It has many themes from being indigenous, family, homophobia and tradition focusing on a teen, Segunfo wanting to become a master story-box or "retablo" maker (a traditional Peruvian cultural tradition) just like his dad, Noe.

This film has also received much recognition in 2018 in creating an unique LGBTQIA+ perspective on Andean regional culture amongst indigenous or nativo cultures. The film is beautifully shot amid mountainous landscapes, with unfortunately the domestic violence that LGTBQIA+ sometime faces. It also reinstate their cultural traditions still preserved and celebrated, using the actual artistic tradition to do some of the film's storytelling.
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