Entertaining and a great way to start redressing the balance.
18 May 2020
For decades the meat and dairy industries, among others, have bombarded us with misinformation about the supposed 'necessity' of their products. We need meat, they said. Milk is a necessity, they said. (Doctors were even paid to tell us that smoking was good for us, that's how reliable industry-backed information can be). At last, there is a riposte and thank God for The Game Changers. We eat too much meat and dairy, far too much. Intensive agriculture contributes to lack of biodiversity which will wipe out our species if not stopped. Athletes can perform at top level on a wholefood plant-based diet with not a drop of milk in sight, not a morsel of meat passing their lips. What? We were told that wasn't possible. We were lied to. If athletes can do that what about the rest of us? Watch the film and make your mind up. It's a big step in the right direction.
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