Sana Saeed is amazing
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've only seen one other Bollywood so I'm not totally clued up on what the standard is, I have mixed feelings about KKHH...

Firstly, I found it very funny, I really do enjoy the Indian sense of humour I think it's similar to British... If that isn't your cup of tea then maybe give this a skip...

Secondly, Sana Saeed has to be the best child actor I've ever seen, she was amazing! I've never seen a child act so convincingly and naturally, Totally charming and definitely the star of the show!

Their are a couple of things I found difficult with this though...It is my understanding that Shah Rukh Khan is the most renowned Bollywood actor, I have to ask why.. In my opinion, he is quite a poor actor, everything is over the top and unbelievable, is this considered part of his charm?? Perhaps.

The aesthetics are great, I love how Bollywood films look so glamorous and dramatic, But something I have to point out (could be a culture thing) in Bollywood films they pretty much rely on coincidence to keep the plot going. It seems lazy to me, nothing really happens it all relys on fate, being in the right place, things just "happening", horoscopes not lining up so people can't get married etc...

Lastly, does anybody else fnd the storyline between Rahul and (daughter) Anjali a little creepy??
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