A true look inside mental illness
11 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Drawing inspiration from Czech and other Eastern European films, 'Lost Transmissions' is a reaction to the flaws in the bureacracy surrounding mental health. The film tackles the difficulties of a '5150', which keeps certain individuals from getting the medical care that they, without even realizing it, are in desperate need of.

Films about mental health are a hit or miss. Even if they manage to be executed well there's a fair amount of reasons to do it. 'Lost Transmissions' has decided to go for a true to life experience, with long shots and silences that seem to carry a lot of untold weight in it. The shots are a bit rough around the edges and gritty, not for lack of thought but for a more bare experience. Despite the longer shots the pacing of the film is a pleasure, with some more attention and pauses at exactly the right moments.

Pegg as Theo Ross is an excellent choice: much as the likes of acting giants such as Robin Williams, Pegg manages to effectively blur the lines between comedy and drama. Where he previously has showed his potential of playing a 'funny' character with mental health problems in 'The World's End', 'Lost Transmissions' allows him to prove himself even more as an actor in this department. The moments of comedy are bittersweet due to the schizophrenic nature of the character, but allow the viewer to connect with the likeable but troubled person.

Temple's role is much more subdued: Hannah is the anchor in the film that grounds it into reality. Where Theo goes off the rails once he stops taking his medication, Temple's character faces the numbness that antidepressants make her experience. Temple and Pegg have a genuine connection that show in Theo and Hannah, both in the happy moments (such as almost candid dialogue over Chinese food) and in the sadder moments further along the story.

All in all 'Lost Transmissions' has approached the story with the respect it deserves, which in part is mostly due to the experiences and research the makers have put into getting it right.
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