You Better Watch Out (1980)
10 October 2019
Directed by Lewis Jackson. Starring Brandon Maggart, Jeffrey DeMunn, Dianne Hull, Joe Jamrog, Burt Kleiner, Scott McKay, Peter Friedman, Patricia Richardson. (R)

After witnessing mommy kissing (among other acts) Santa Claus as a child, Harry (Maggart) grows up to become a toy factory employee with a pretty unhealthy disassociative disorder, eventually thinking he's the real Saint Nick and going on a murder spree. Atypical, slightly above average slasher focuses almost entirely on the killer rather than a parade of victims-to-be; Maggart gives a good performance, but his character's psychology/motivations become awfully thin when given so much scrutiny (or is it supposed to be campy parody?). Either way, the movie would have benefited from heightened style, better pacing, more polished production (the seams really start showing when it comes to the all-too-evident fake snow); not particularly scary either. The most interesting aspect--besides Maggart--is the unusual, sometimes surprising bends in the plot/mood (it even borrows a page from "M"); the riotously outlandish ending needs to be seen to be (dis)believed. A favorite of cult director John Waters; later released under alternate titles like "Christmas Evil" and "Terror in Toyland."

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