An entertaining film, but please question it's bias and agenda
3 October 2019
I watched the film and for all it's slickness and hollywood budget, after every sequence I found myself researching the evidence the film was claiming and was shocked that as much as the film can be correct, it can also be wrong.

I don't have an agenda against veganism or being an omnivore (people who choose meat and plant based diet) and I'm fine with people choosing a plant-based diet, but I think it's important to ask questions about the people chosen to participate in the film and the agendas they have and how the edit has been skewed to convince people into thinking that they should do this, when they haven't been asking the questions.

I'm aware this review will upset people and I'll get jumped on for calling out the truth but I recommend anyone to go out and do the research after they've watched the film to see if it matches up to what you've seen.
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