Hunter x Hunter (2011–2014)
Wasted potential.
12 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Up until the midpoint of the show I was really enjoying myself, then came the chimera ant arc and the it took a nose dive into a crap volcano! I'm forcefully watching it to the end just to see what happens after they wrap up this arc. The show was a regular shonnen anime with somewhat predictable development, although, due to it's weirdness, reserved us some surprises not taking the beaten path all the way to the end, but taking a detour and droping a story line to go somewhere different. The tower where they train and fight in a tournament is one such case. The mafia auction arc was pretty good, though erratic. The back ground story is nearly unfollowable with so many changes in direction but it seamed well enough written when it came to character interaction. That was a smart arc with different types of knowledge like the antique hunting and forging to move the story forward and developing characters. Now for the chimera ant arc...should have ended with the queen. Weird nonsensical monters, slavish sexual inuendo that is just wrong for a shonnen, nearly infinite amount of decent antagonists with almost no fighting... the whole thing just deprived the viewer of any sense of catarsis, turning mass-murdering monsters into allies and even "good guys". Everything wrong with it should have ended with the protagonists killing the king's guard and the queen, because what came next was just torture! Endless set up and preparations for a showdown between king/king's guards and the hunters, just to have it slowed to a literal super slowmotion speed with narration of everyone's thoughts and barely any fighting, and then they take every painstakingly achieved progress away by reviving the king or removing effects of their powers. I could compare it to another activity teenage boys do to themselves when they are alone, but with no payout in the end, just a whole lot of chaffing. I could go on and trash Gon's break down over Kite, a guy he barelly knew, but I'm already wasting too much of my time by watching the show. If you are a teenage boy that's never watched a shonnen before and this is the ONLY one you can get your hands on, I guess you'll be alright. For anyone else STAY CLEAR!
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